What is DU in YU action?
DU in Yu is non-government, non-profit organization that gathers people that are willing to act in anti DU campaign in Yugoslavia. Also, it covers wider problems of ecology and danger from nuclear and radioactive sources.
DU in YU action center is located in Nis, second biggest town in Yugoslavia, 250 km southern of Belgrade, and only 50 km eastern from Kosovo. The DU danger is very real here, although DU probably hadn't been used in the town itself (the nearest location where DU traces were found is Nis Airport, located 5 km from town center). The biggest threat to the citizens of Nis came from the south; more that 80% of food that people of Nis consume came from zones of high risk: Vranje, Bujanovac, Presevo, Leskovac, Prokuplje, areas where it's confirmed that DU had been used. We will try to inform people of Nis about DU in our local environment, as well as citizens of towns where DU was used. We plan to organize public lectures, TV and radio campaign, and to demand from our authorities to protect the sites where DU is found. We would also try to make an international impact as the only NGO in Yugoslavia whose main task is to protect people from DU. We also hope that we can make a network of local ecological organizations in southern Serbia, and, in future, on the national level.
We will try to cooperate with all relevant people and institutions in Serbia as well as from abroad. We've already got a response from some nuclear physicist from "Vinca Nuclear Institute" in Belgrade, Prof. Dr Vladimir Ajdacic among the others.
We are looking forward to any kind of cooperation and help from all organizations and people that are working on DU topic.
nikolab@kalca.junis.ni.ac.yu - Nikola Bozinovic
mina_zdravkovic@yahoo.com - Mina Zdravkovic